
Annotation Part of Bean Validation Specification Apply on Use Hibernate Metadata impact
@AssertFalse yes field/property check that the annotated element is false. none
@AssertTrue yes field/property check that the annotated element is true. none
@DecimalMax yes field/property. Supported types are BigDecimal,BigIntegerString,byteshortintlongand the respective wrappers of the primitive types. The annotated element must be a number whose value must be lower or equal to the specified maximum. The parameter value is the string representation of the max value according to theBigDecimal string representation. none
@DecimalMin yes field/property. Supported types are BigDecimal,BigIntegerString,byteshortintlongand the respective wrappers of the primitive types. The annotated element must be a number whose value must be higher or equal to the specified minimum. The parameter value is the string representation of the min value according to theBigDecimal string representation. none
@Digits(integer=, fraction=) yes field/property. Supported types are BigDecimal,BigIntegerString,byteshortintlongand the respective wrappers of the primitive types. Check whether the property is a number having up to integerdigits and fraction fractional digits. Define column precision and scale.
@Email no field/property. Needs to be a string. Check whether the specified string is a valid email address. none
@Future yes field/property. Supported types are java.util.Dateandjava.util.Calendar. Checks whether the annotated date is in the future. none
@Length(min=, max=) no field/property. Needs to be a string. Validate that the annotated string is between min and maxincluded. none
@Max yes field/property. Supported types are BigDecimal,BigIntegerString,byteshortintlongand the respective wrappers of the primitive types. Checks whether the annotated value is less than or equal to the specified maximum. Add a check constraint on the column.
@Min yes field/property. Supported types are BigDecimal,BigIntegerString,byteshortintlongand the respective wrappers of the primitive types. Check whether the annotated value is higher than or equal to the specified minimum. Add a check constraint on the column.
@NotNull yes field/property Check that the annotated value is not null. Column(s) are not null.
@NotEmpty no field/property. Needs to be a string. Check if the string is not null nor empty. none
@Null yes field/property Check that the annotated value is null. none
@Past yes field/property. Supported types are java.util.Dateandjava.util.Calendar. Checks whether the annotated date is in the past. none
@Pattern(regex=, flag=) yes field/property. Needs to be a string. Check if the annotated string match the regular expressionregex. none
@Range(min=, max=) no field/property. Supported types are BigDecimal,BigIntegerString,byteshortintlongand the respective wrappers of the primitive types. Check whether the annotated value lies between (inclusive) the specified minimum and maximum. none
@Size(min=, max=) yes field/property. Supported types are StringCollection,Map and arrays. Check if the annotated element size is between min and max (inclusive). Column length will be set to max.
@Valid yes field/property Perform validation recursively on the associated object. none

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