I am trying to use the contents of a text file as Python code

e.g. if I write

import sys

in a text file, can I read that as a string and then turn it into Python code or is there another way to do it?


解决方案I am trying to use the contents of a text file as Python code

e.g. if I write

import sys

in a text file, can I read that as a string and then turn it into Python code or is there another way to do it?


Python script (.py & .pyw) files ARE text files. They are read by the compiler an turned into byte code (.pyc) files which are run by the execution engine. All parts of this process are exposed in the library modules.

oops sorry I guess I wasn''t too precise.

What I mean is, if I write a Python program that opens a text file and reads through the contents, I want to use the contents of that text file to access some constants.

e.g. I have defined more than 50 constants and when I read through the text file opened by my Python programme and find a string matching the name of one of my constant, I want to use that constant.

so in my script, I''ve written

porta = 100

and when i see ''porta'' in the text file i want to

print porta

I tried using if statements but with 50+ of them I don''t think that that''s the best option.

I''m sorry if this still sounds confusing. I''m still really new to this.


oops sorry I guess I wasn''t too precise.

What I mean is, if I write a Python program that opens a text file and reads through the contents, I want to use the contents of that text file to access some constants.

e.g. I have defined more than 50 constants and when I read through the text file opened by my Python programme and find a string matching the name of one of my constant, I want to use that constant.

so in my script, I''ve written

porta = 100

and when i see ''porta'' in the text file i want to

print porta

I tried using if statements but with 50+ of them I don''t think that that''s the best option.

I''m sorry if this still sounds confusing. I''m still really new to this.


This can be accomplished quite easily:

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers



import sys



解决方案 I我试图使用文本文件的内容作为Python代码


import sys



Python脚本(.py& .pyw)文件是文本文件。它们由编译器读取,转换为由执行引擎运行的字节代码(.pyc)文件。这个过程的所有部分都暴露在库模块中。





porta = 100










porta = 100







展开 | 选择 | Wrap | 行号


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