

This option determines when events should be displayed encoded as base-64 strings using BINLOG statements. The option has these permissible values (not case sensitive):

AUTO ("automatic") or UNSPEC ("unspecified") displays BINLOG statements automatically when necessary (that is, for format description events and row events). If no --base64-output option is given, the effect is the same as --base64-output=AUTO. NEVER causes BINLOG statements not to be displayed. mysqlbinlog exits with an error if a row event is found that must be displayed using BINLOG.DECODE-ROWS specifies to mysqlbinlog that you intend for row events to be decoded and displayed as commented SQL statements by also specifying the --verbose option. Like NEVER, DECODE-ROWS suppresses display of BINLOG statements, but unlike NEVER, it does not exit with an error if a row event is found.

以上描述对于binlog日志中的BINLOG部分,如果要过虑掉需要指定DECODE-ROWS 以及--verbose选项。


SQL statements produced by --verbose for row events are much more

readable than the corresponding BINLOG statements. However, they do not

correspond exactly to the original SQL statements that generated the

events. The following limitations apply:


· The original column names are lost and replaced by @N, where N is a column number.

· Character set information is not available in the binary log, which affects string column display:


is no distinction made between corresponding binary and nonbinary

string types (BINARY and CHAR,VARBINARY and VARCHAR, BLOB and TEXT). The

output uses a data type of STRING for fixed-length strings andVARSTRING

for variable-length strings.For multibyte character sets, the maximum

number of bytes per character is not present in the binary log, so the

length for string types is displayed in bytes rather than in characters.

For example, STRING(4) will be used as the data type for values from

either of these column types:




to the storage format for events of type UPDATE_ROWS_EVENT, UPDATE

statements are displayed with theWHERE clause preceding the SET clause.


interpretation of row events requires the information from the format

description event at the beginning of the binary log. Because

mysqlbinlog does not know in advance whether the rest of the log

contains row events, by default it displays the format description event

using a BINLOG statement in the initial part of the output.


the binary log is known not to contain any events requiring a BINLOG

statement (that is, no row events), the --base64-output=NEVER option can

be used to prevent this header from being written.

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