数据结构C语言版 循环链表表示和实现(国外英文)

数据结构C语言版 循环链表表示和实现(国外英文资料)

Data structure, C language, circular list representation and implementation of.Txt


Data structure, C language, circular list representation and Implementation


Compile environment: Dev-C++

Date: February 10, 2011

* /




Typedef int ElemType;

/ / single stranded linear table storage structure

Typedef struct LNode


ElemType data;

Struct LNode *next;

}LNode, *LinkList;

To distinguish what is / / the first node ((*L) ->next), the tail node (*L), and the first node

/ / point (*L) ->next->next, the establishment of circular linked list tail pointer (end to end, the head node

/ / and the tail node is the same, they have no data domain.

/ / constructing an empty circular list L

Int InitList_CL (LinkList *L)


Have / head node and the L, pointing to the head

*L = (LinkList) malloc (sizeof (struct, LNode));

If (... *L)

Exit (0);

/ / pointer field toward the head node, so as to form a circular, empty table loop, *L table tail

(*L) ->next = *L;

Return 1;


The destruction of the circular list / / L

Int DestroyList_CL (LinkList *L)


LinkList q,

P = ->next (*L); / / P refers to the head node

While (P! = *L) / / not to the table for table tail tail, *L


Q = p->next;

Free (P);

P = q;


Free (*L);

*L = NULL;

Return 1;


/ / reset L to the empty table

Int ClearList_CL (LinkList *L)


LinkList, P, q;

*L= (*L ->next); / / L points to the first node

P= (*L ->next); / / P refers to the first node

While (P! =*L) / / not to list.



Free (P);



->next=*L (*L); / / the first node pointer domain refers to itself

Return 1;


/ / if L is empty table, it returns 1, otherwise it returns 0

Int ListEmpty_CL (LinkList L)


If (L->next==L) / / empty

Return 1;


Return 0;


/ / returns the number of elements in the L data

Int ListLength_CL (LinkList L)


Int i=0;

LinkList p=L->next; / / P refers to the head node

While (P! =L) / / not to list.





Return i;


When / / th

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