systemimager 可以把一个所有软件都安装完成的系统(黄金客户端)镜像到server 端, 在通过PXE 启动,再同过rsync同步到裸机上





主程序 ----服务器端







[root@localhost ~]# si_

si_addclients           si_mkautoinstalldisk    si_mkdhcpstatic         si_pcp

si_clusterconfig        si_mkautoinstallscript  si_mkrsyncd_conf        si_psh

si_cpimage              si_mkbootpackage        si_monitor              si_pushinstall

si_getimage             si_mkbootserver         si_monitortk            si_pushoverrides

si_lsimage              si_mkclientnetboot      si_mvimage              si_pushupdate

si_mkautoinstallcd      si_mkdhcpserver         si_netbootmond          si_rmimage









[root@mysql1 ~]# si_

si_lsimage        si_prepareclient       si_updateclient


[root@localhost ~]# si_prepareclient --server

Welcome to the SystemImager si_prepareclient command.  This command may modify

the following files to prepare your golden client for having it's image

retrieved by the imageserver.  It will also create the /etc/systemimager

directory and fill it with information about your golden client.  All modified

files will be backed up with the .before_systemimager-4.1.6 extension.


This file defines the port numbers used by certain software on your system.

Entries for rsync will be added if necessary.


This is a temporary configuration file that rsync needs on your golden client

in order to make your filesystem available to your SystemImager server.

inetd configuration:

SystemImager needs to run rsync as a standalone daemon on your golden client

until it's image is retrieved by your SystemImager server.  If rsyncd is

configured to run as a service started by inetd, it will be temporarily

disabled, and any running rsync daemons or commands will be stopped.  Then,

an rsync daemon will be started using the temporary configuration file

mentioned above.

See "si_prepareclient --help" for command line options.

Continue? (y/[n]): y  #输入“y”,继续。

*********************************** WARNING ***********************************

This utility starts an rsync daemon that makes all of your files accessible

by anyone who can connect to the rsync port of this machine.  This is the

case until you reboot, or kill the 'rsync --daemon' process by hand.  By

default, once you use si_getimage to retrieve this image on your imageserver,

these contents will become accessible to anyone who can connect to the rsync

port on your imageserver.  See rsyncd.conf(5) for details on restricting

access to these files on the imageserver.  See the systemimager-ssh package

for a more secure method of making images available to clients.

*********************************** WARNING ***********************************

Continue? (y/[n]): y  #再次输入"y"。

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1855956 Apr 10 21:31 /etc/systemimager/boot/kernel

Starting or re-starting rsync as a daemon.....


This client is ready to have its image retrieved.  You must now run

the "si_getimage" command on your imageserver.

Your client has been successfully prepared.  Boot kernel (copied from

this Linux distribution) and an initrd.img (generated by the

initrd_template package) can be found in /etc/systemimager/boot.

Automatically create configuration file for systemconfigurator:

>> /etc/systemconfig/systemconfig.conf



基本的语法是:“si_getimage -golden-client [client_hostname] -image [image_name]”

[root@localhost ~]#si_getimage --golden-client -image vfast_backup

--post-install reboot  --directory /systemimager/

This program will get the "vfast_backup" system image from "" making the assumption that all filesystems considered part  of the system image are using ext2, ext3, jfs, FAT, reiserfs, or xfs.     This program will not get /proc, NFS, or other filesystems  not mentioned above.     *********************************** WARNING ***********************************   All files retrieved from a golden client are, by default, made accessible to   anyone who can connect to the rsync port of this machine.  See rsyncd.conf(5)  for details on restricting access to these files on the imageserver.  See the  systemimager-ssh package for a more secure (but less effecient) method of   making images available to clients.  *********************************** WARNING ***********************************      See "si_getimage --help" for command line options.     Continue? ([y]/n):y  #输入"y"继续黄金客户端开始复制文件到镜像服务器,如下所示:

usr/share/zoneinfo/right/Navajo => usr/share/zoneinfo/right/US/Mountain  usr/share/zoneinfo/right/America/Denver => usr/share/zoneinfo/right/US/Mountain  usr/share/zoneinfo/right/America/Shiprock => usr/share/zoneinfo/right/US/Mountain  usr/share/zoneinfo/right/America/Los_Angeles => usr/share/zoneinfo/right/US/Pacific  usr/share/zoneinfo/right/Pacific/Pago_Pago => usr/share/zoneinfo/right/US/Samoa  usr/share/zoneinfo/right/Pacific/Samoa => usr/share/zoneinfo/right/US/Samoa     sent 3524467 bytes  received 3232535951 bytes  1941830.43 bytes/sec  total size is 3411616325  speedup is 1.05  ------------- vfast_backup IMAGE RETRIEVAL FINISHED -------------     Press to continue... 复制完成后,提示按“Enter”键继续,键入“Enter”后,需要让我们选择为克隆客户端选择获取IP地址的方式。有以下三种方式供大家选择:

l DHCP:服务器安装完成后会使用DHCP获得IP,非静态

l STATIC:安装过程中使用的IP会成为安装客户端的静态IP

l REPLICANT:安装后不会配置网络,作为备份或者快速恢复单机的机制


There are three ways to assign IP addresses to the client systems on an  ongoing basis:     1) DHCP     ----------------------------------------------------------------     A DHCP server will assign IP addresses to clients installed with    this image.  They may be assigned a different address each time.     If you want to use DHCP, but must ensure that your clients     receive the same IP address each time, see "man si_mkdhcpstatic".     2) STATIC    ----------------------------------------------------------------     The IP address the client uses during autoinstall will be     permanently assigned to that client.     3) REPLICANT     ----------------------------------------------------------------     Don't mess with the network settings in this image.  I'm using     it as a backup and quick restore mechanism for a single machine.     Which method do you prefer? [1]:    #直接回车You have chosen method 1 for assigning IP addresses. 接下来,让我们确认配置以及马上配置si_clusterconfig命令,直接回车即可。到此,整个黄金客户端镜像制作完成。可以到存储镜像的目录查看创建好的镜像。

Are you satisfied? ([y]/n):   Would you like to run the "si_clusterconfig" utility now? (y/[n]): y

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