找到函数 sys_get_temp_dir。替换函数内容为一下内容

public static function sys_get_temp_dir(){// use upload-directory when defined to make it running on// environments having very restricted open_basedir configsif (ini_get('upload_tmp_dir')!==false) {if($temp = ini_get('upload_tmp_dir')) {if (file_exists($temp)) { return realpath($temp); }}}// sys_get_temp_dir is only available since PHP 5.2.1// http://php.net/manual/en/function.sys-get-temp-dir.php#94119if ( !function_exists('sys_get_temp_dir')) {if ($temp = getenv('TMP') ) {if (file_exists($temp)) {return realpath($temp);}if (($temp!='') && file_exists($temp)) {return realpath($temp);}}if ($temp = getenv('TEMP') ) {if (file_exists($temp)) {return realpath($temp);}}}}

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