本文翻译自:css selector to match an element without attribute x [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here: 这个问题在这里已有答案:

  • Can I write a CSS selector selecting elements NOT having a certain class or attribute? 我可以编写一个CSS选择器来选择不具有某个类或属性的元素吗? 9 answers 9个答案

I'm working on a CSS file and find the need to style text input boxes, however, I'm running into problems. 我正在研究CSS文件并发现需要设置文本输入框的样式,但是,我遇到了问题。 I need a simple declaration that matches all these elements: 我需要一个匹配所有这些元素的简单声明:

<input />
<input type='text' />
<input type='password' />

... but doesn't match these ones: ......但不符合这些:

<input type='submit' />
<input type='button' />
<input type='image' />
<input type='file' />
<input type='checkbox' />
<input type='radio' />
<input type='reset' />

Here's what I would like to do: 这就是我想做的事情:

input[!type], input[type='text'], input[type='password'] {/* styles here */

In the above CSS, notice the first selector is input[!type] . 在上面的CSS中,注意第一个选择器是input[!type] What I mean by this is I want to select all input boxes where the type attribute is not specified (because it defaults to text but input[type='text'] doesn't match it). 我的意思是我想选择未指定type属性的所有输入框(因为它默认为文本但input[type='text']与它不匹配)。 Unfortunately, there is no such selector in the CSS3 spec that I could find. 不幸的是,我找不到CSS3规范中没有这样的选择器。

Does anyone know of a way to accomplish this? 有谁知道这样做的方法?




只是想添加到这个,你可以使用selectivizr在oldIE中使用:not selector: http ://selectivizr.com/


:not selector :不是选择器

input:not([type]), input[type='text'], input[type='password'] {/* style here */

Support: in Internet Explorer 9 and higher 支持:在Internet Explorer 9及更高版本中


For a more cross-browser solution you could style all inputs the way you want the non-typed, text, and password then another style the overrides that style for radios, checkboxes, etc. 对于更多跨浏览器的解决方案,您可以按照您希望的方式设置所有输入的样式,非文本和密码,然后另一种样式覆盖无线电,复选框等样式。

input { border:solid 1px red; }input[type=radio],
input[type=file] { border:none; }

- Or - - 要么 -

could whatever part of your code that is generating the non-typed inputs give them a class like .no-type or simply not output at all? 你生成非类型输入的代码的任何部分都可以为它们提供类似.no-type或者根本不输出它们? Additionally this type of selection could be done with jQuery. 此外,这种类型的选择可以使用jQuery完成。


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