
#include <stdio.h> #include <string> int main() { char array[] = "12345"; int n = sizeof(array); // n is 6 int m = strlen(array); // m is 5 array[3] = 0; n = sizeof(array); // n is 6 m = strlen(array); // m is 3 return 0; }



sizeof Operator

sizeof expression

The sizeof keyword gives the amount of storage, in bytes, associated with a variable or a type (including aggregate types). This keyword returns a value of type size_t.

The expression is either an identifier or a type-cast expression (a type specifier enclosed in


When applied to a structure type or variable, sizeof returns the actual size, which may include padding bytes inserted for alignment. When applied to a statically dimensioned array, sizeof returns the size of the entire array. The sizeof operator cannot return the size of dynamically allocated arrays or external arrays.



Get the length of a string.

Routine Required Header:

strlen <string.h>

size_t strlen( const char *string );


string:Null-terminated string


All versions of the C run-time libraries.

Return Value

Each of these functions returns the number of characters in string, excluding the terminal

NULL. No return value is reserved to indicate an error.


Each of these functions returns the number of characters in string, not including the

terminating null character. wcslen is a wide-character version of strlen; the argument of

wcslen is a wide-character string. wcslen and strlen behave identically otherwise.




Evaluating sizeof expr does not evaluate the expression.

The result of applying sizeof depends in part on the type involved:

l  sizeof char or an expression of type char is guaranteed to be 1

l  sizeof a reference type returns the size of the memory necessary to contain an object of the referenced type

l  sizeof a pointer returns the size needed hold a pointer; to obtain the size of the object to which the pointer pointers, the pointer must be dereferenced

l  sizeof an array is equivalent to taking the sizeof the element type times the number of elements in the array


  1. Sizeof与Strlen的区别与联系(转)

    一.sizeof sizeof(...)是运算符,在头文件中typedef为unsigned int,其值在编译时即计算好了,参数可以是数组.指针.类型.对象.函数等.     它的功能是:获得保证能 ...

  2. C语言中sizeof与strlen的区别总结!

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  3. Sizeof与Strlen的区别与联系

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  4. C语言 - sizeof和strlen的区别

    sizeof和strlen的区别: 1.sizeof操作符的结果类型是size_t,它在头文件中typedef为unsigned int类型. 该类型保证能容纳实现所建立的最大对象的字节大小. 2.s ...

  5. sizeof和strlen的区别(其中涉及NUL的讲解)

    本文是自己结合平时所学的知识,对sizeof和strlen的区别进行了总结,如有不对的地方还请批评指证,共同进步!!! 一.从C语言的定义上来讲 1.sizeof是关键字,而strlen是包含在str ...

  6. C语言 sizeof 和 strlen 函数区别 - C语言零基础入门教程

    目录 一.sizeof 函数与 strlen 函数区别 1.获取字符串长度 – 针对字符串 2.获取指针/数组长度 – 针对指针/数组 3.sizeof 获取内存大小 4.经典案例 二.猜你喜欢 零基 ...

  7. 详说sizeof与strlen的区别与联系

    sizeof是C/C++中的关键字,它是一个运算符,其作用是取得一个对象(数据类型或者数据对象)的长度(即占用内存的大小,以byte为单位). 当参数分别如下时,sizeof返回的值表示的含义如下: ...

  8. 简述sizeof和strlen的区别

    sizeof和strlen的区别 属性不同: sizeof是运算符(关键字),strlen是函数 用法不同: sizeof可以使用类.结构体.共用体以及其他用户自定义的数据类型作为参数,然后计算相应的 ...

  9. sizeof与strlen的区别

    以下内容参考自<程序员面试宝典> sizeof与strlen的区别 1. sizeof操作符的结果类型是size_t,它在头文件中typedef为unsigned int类型.该类型保证能 ...

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