
index.codecThe default value compresses stored data with LZ4 compression, but this can be set tobest_compression which uses DEFLATE for a higher compression ratio, at the expense of slower stored fields performance.


Now you can also enable better compression on the cold nodes by setting index.codec: best_compression in theirconfig/elasticsearch.yml file in order to be able to archive more data with the same amount of disk space.



The test methodology hasn’t changed so you can check out the old blog post or the README in the Github repo for the details.

Test String fields _all index size /w LZ4 index size /w DEFLATE expansion ratio /w LZ4 expansion ratio /w DEFLATE Impact of DEFLATE
Structured data file. Original file size: 67644119              
1 analyzed and not_analyzed  enabled 63047579 53131592 0.932 0.785 -0.157
2 analyzed and not_analyzed  disabled 48271433 38327106 0.713 0.566 -0.206
3 not_analyzed disabled 38920800 29014796 0.575 0.428 -0.254
3b not_analyzed, except for 'message' field which is retained and analyzed disabled 65382872 49532858 0.966 0.732 -0.242
4 not_analyzed, except for 'agent' field which is analyzed disabled 43083702 32063602 0.636 0.474 -0.255
Semi-structured data file.
Original file size: 75037027
1 analyzed and not_analyzed  enabled 100478376 82132782 1.339 1.094 -0.182
2 analyzed and not_analyzed  disabled 75238480 56911638 1.002 0.758 -0.243
3 not_analyzed disabled 71866672 53553561 0.957 0.713 -0.254
3b not_analyzed, except for 'message' field which is retained and analyzed disabled 104638750 83824398 1.394 1.117 -0.198
4 not_analyzed, except for 'agent' field which is analyzed disabled 72925624 54603882 0.971 0.727 -0.251

With the standard LZ4-based compression, the indexed data size to raw data size ratio ranged from 0.575 to 1.394. After enabling DEFLATE-based compression using the best_compression index.codec option, the indexed data size to raw data size ratio range came down to 0.429 to 1.117. Enabling the best_compression option resulted in a 15.7% to 25.6% reduction in indexed data size depending on the test parameters.

As you can see, the ratio of index size to raw data size can vary greatly based on your mapping configuration, what fields you decide to create/retain, and the characteristics of the data set itself. We encourage you to run similar tests yourself to determine what the data compression/expansion factor is for your data set and application requirements.


There were many amazing features added to Elasticsearch 2.0 worth considering. As we’ve discussed, two of these new features in particular can reduce the hardware footprint required for an Elasticsearch cluster by 15-25% or more: 1) the addition of a best_compression option and 2) enabling doc_values by default. This allows us to get to compression ratios between 0.429 and 1.117.


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