
1.1 SvS and Swapping SvS
Algorithm 1 Pseudo-code for SvS
SvS(set, k)
1: Sort the sets by size (|set[0]| ≤ |set[1]| ≤ . . . ≤ |set[k]|).
2: Let the smallest set s[0] be the candidate answer set.
3: for each set s[i], i = 1. . . k do initialize _[k] = 0.
4: for each set s[i], i = 1. . . k do
5:  for each element e in the candidate answer set do
6:    search for e in s[i] in the range l[i] to |s[i]|,
7:    and update l[i] to the last position probed in the previous step.
8:    if e was not found then
9:      remove e from candidate answer set,
10:      and advance e to the next element in the answer set.
11:    end if
12:  end for
13: end for
见。1.2 Small Adaptive
Algorithm 2 Pseudo-code for Small_Adaptive
Small_Adaptive(set, k)
1: while no set is empty do
2:   Sort the sets by increasing number of remaining elements.
3:   Pick an eliminator e = set[0][0] from the smallest set.
4:   elimset ← 1.
5:   repeat
6:     search for e in set[elimset].
7:     increment elimset;
8:   until s = k or e is not found in set[elimset]
9:   if s = k then
10:     add e to answer.
11:   end if
12: end while
有的一个元素后,再在其他集合中进行查找,有某个集合查找完毕即结束。1.3 Sequential and Random Sequential
Algorithm 3 Pseudo-code for Sequential
Sequential(set, k)
1: Choose an eliminator e = set[0][0], in the set elimset ← 0.
2: Consider the first set, i ← 1.
3: while the eliminator e _= ∞do
4:   search in set[i] for e
5:   if the search found e then
6:     increase the occurrence counter.
7:   if the value of occurrence counter is k then output e end if
8:   end if
9:   if the value of the occurrence counter is k, or e was not found then/*若计数到k或者e没有被找到*/
10:     update the eliminator to e ← set[i][succ(e)]. /*将e赋值为现在集合中下一个值*/
11:   end if
12:   Consider the next set in cyclic order i ← i + 1 mod k./*循环移位地选择新的集合*/
13: end while
Barbay and Kenyon引入的,对不确定复杂度的样本查找比较好,每次在各个集合中的查找
,而RSequential则是随机挑选一个集合。1.4 Baeza-Yates and Baeza-Yates Sorted
Algorithm 4 Pseudo-code for BaezaYates
BaezaYates(set, k)
1: Sort the sets by size (|set[0]| ≤ |set[1]| ≤ . . . ≤ |set[k]|).
2: Let the smallest set set[0] be the candidate answer set.
3: for each set set[i], i = 1. . . k do
4:   candidate ← BYintersect(candidate, set[i], 0, |candidate| − 1, 0,|set[i]| − 1)
5:   sort the candidate set.
6: end forBYintersect(setA, setB, minA, maxA, minB, maxB)
1: if setA or setB are empty then return   endif.
2: Let m = (minA + maxA)/2 and let medianA be the element at setA[m].
3: Search for medianA in setB.
4: if medianA was found then
5:   add medianA to result.
6: end if
7: Let r be the insertion rank of medianA in setB.
8: Solve the intersection recursively on both sides of r and m in each set.
Baeza-Yates Sorted是对上述方法进行了改进,即在保存公有的元素时是按序保存的,保
后将搜索到的交集再次排序的时间,但代价是中间处理的时候需要增加处理的细节。1.5 总结
上面所有的算法最坏情况下都有线性的时间复杂度。BaezaYates、So_BaezaYates, Small
去除集合中元素导致集合的大小动态变化时,有更大的优势;Sequential and RSequenti
al 对集合大小不敏感。



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