

LIST  P = 16C54

;Serial Eprom interface to PIC16C5X.

;REV 2.0        8/26/92.


;Define Equates:


PIC54   EQU     1FFH




ORG     0


goto    main            ;run test program




TRUE    EQU     1

FALSE   EQU     0

S93C46  EQU     FALSE


S93C56  EQU     FALSE


S93C66  EQU     TRUE


wire3   equ     TRUE

org8    EQU     FALSE


IF      S93LC46

IF      org8

LC468   EQU     TRUE

XC46    EQU     FALSE

H16     EQU     FALSE

H8      EQU     FALSE


LC468   EQU     FALSE

XC46    EQU     TRUE

H16     EQU     FALSE

H8      EQU     FALSE




IF      S93C46

LC468   EQU     FALSE

XC46    EQU     TRUE

H16     EQU     FALSE

H8      EQU     FALSE


IF      S93C56 + S93C66 + S93LC56 + S93LC66

IF      org8

H8      EQU     TRUE

H16     EQU     FALSE

LC468   EQU     FALSE

XC46    EQU     FALSE


H16     EQU     TRUE

H8      EQU     FALSE

LC468   EQU     FALSE

XC46    EQU     FALSE





;*                      Register Assignments                        *


indir   equ     0       ;Use this register as source/desTInaTIon

;for indirect addressing.

pc      equ     2       ;PIC Program Counter.

status  equ     3       ;PIC Status Register.

fsr     equ     4       ;File Select Register.

serial  equ     5       ;Port used for 93CX6 control.

;The following four registers must be

;located consecuTIvely in memory.

cmd     equ     1a      ;This register contains the 4 bit

;command op code for 93CX6 as follows:

;bit 7 msb of command op code

;bit 6 next bit of op code

;bit 5 next bit of op code

;bit 4 lsb of op code

;bit 3 A8 of address in case of

;56/66 in 8 bit mode.

addr    equ     1b      ;memory address of lower 7/8 bits

highb   equ     1c      ;Used in read/write routines to store the

;upper byte of a 16 bit data word,

;or the data in a 8 bit data word

lowb    equ     1d      ;Used in read/write routines to store the

;lower byte of a 16 bit data word,

;or not used in 8 bit data word.

cnthi   equ     1e      ;Used as the upper byte of a sixteen bit

;loop counter in RDYCHK routine.

cnt     equ     1f      ;Used as the lower byte of a sixteen bit

;loop counter in RDYCHK routine, and

;elswhere as an eight bit counter.

temp_cmd equ    1e      ;doubles as a temp register for cmd

temp_addr equ   1f      ;doubles as a temp register for addr


;*                      Bit Assignments                             *


carry   equ     0               ;Carry Flag of Status Register.

zflag   equ     2               ;Zero Flag of Status Register.

cs      equ     2               ;Port pin tied to CS on 93CX6.

din     equ     1               ;Port pin tied to DI on 93CX6.

dout    equ     1               ;Port pin tied to DO on 93CX6.

clock   equ     3               ;Port pin tied to CLK on 93CX6.


;*                      General Assignments                         *


no_err  equ     0

error   equ     1

tries   equ     20      ;After issuing a WRITE, ERASE, ERAL, or WRAL

;command, the approximate number of machine

;cycles X 256 to wait for the RDY status.

;This value must be adjusted for operating

;frequencies other than 4 MHz.

read    equ     b'10000000'     ;read command op code

write   equ     b'01000000'     ;write command op code

erase   equ     b'11000000'     ;erase command op code

ewen    equ     b'00110000'     ;erase enable command op code

ewds    equ     b'00000000'     ;erase disable command op code

eral    equ     b'00100000'     ;erase all command op code

wral    equ     b'00010000'     ;write all command op code


;*                      Macro Definitions                           *


sel     MACRO                   ;Selects the 93CX6 device.

bsf     serial,cs       ;Chip Select (CS) = '1' to select

ENDM                    ;the device

dsel    MACRO                   ;De-select the 93CX6 device.

bcf     serial,cs       ;Chip Select (CS) = '0' to de-select

;the device.


strtbt  MACRO                   ;Issue the Start Bit to the 93CX6.

bsf     serial,din      ;Start Bit = '1'.

clkit                   ;Clock it out.


clkit   MACRO                   ;Clocks a serial data bit into or out

;of the 93CX6 device.

bsf     serial,clock    ;Clock (CLK) = '1'.

nop             ;Adjust the number of nop instructions

;between the assertion and de-assertion of

;CLK in proportion to the PIC operating

;frequency.  Refer to the 93CX6 data for the

;minimum CLK period.

bcf     serial,clock    ;Clock (CLK) = '0'.





;*                      DOUTx                                       *


;doutxx, outputs up to 11 bits of op code/data, depending on whether

;a 46/56/66 serial eeprom is being used. The number of bits over 8 are

;saved in the cmd register and the rest in the addr register. Before

;calling this routine the cmd and the addr registers should be loaded

;as follows:

;cmd reg.bits 7|6|5|4|3|2|1|0


;             X|X|X|X|X|X|X|Y| --> not used

;             X|X|X|X|X|X|Y|X| --> mot used

;             X|X|X|X|X|Y|X|X| --> not used

;             X|X|X|X|Y|X|X|X| --> 9th bit of address if necessary

;             X|X|X|Y|X|X|X|X| --> lsb of command op code

;             X|X|Y|X|X|X|X|X| --> 3rd bit of command op code

;             X|Y|X|X|X|X|X|X| --> 2nd bit of command op code

;             Y|X|X|X|X|X|X|X| --> msb of command op code


;addr reg. 6/7/8 bits of address if necessary.

IF      H8


bcf     serial,din

rlf     indir           ;rotate thru carry

btfsc   status,carry    ;set?

bsf     serial,din      ;yes, set output to 1

clkit                   ;clk data


IF      H16+H8


rlf     indir           ;rotate thru carry

bcf     serial,din      ;set output to 0

btfsc   status,carry    ;set?

bsf     serial,din      ;else set output to 1

clkit                   ;clk data


IF      H8+H16+LC468


rlf     indir           ;rotate thru carry

bcf     serial,din      ;set output to 0

btfsc   status,carry    ;set?

bsf     serial,din      ;else set output to 1

clkit                   ;clk data

incf    fsr             ;inc pointer



movlw   8               ;Initialize loop counter.

movwf   cnt


d_o_8   bcf     serial,din      ;Assume that the bit to be transfered is a

;'0'.  Hence, de-assert DI.

rlf     indir           ;Rotate the actual bit to be transferred into

;the carry bit.

btfsc   status,carry    ;Test the carry, if our assumption was

;correct, skip the next instruction.

bsf     serial,din      ;No, actual bit was a '1'.  Assert DI.

clkit                   ;Clock the 93CX6.

decfsz  cnt             ;Repeat until cnt = 0.

goto    d_o_8           ;Cnt still > 0.

rlf     indir           ;Restore register to its original condition.

bcf     serial,din      ;make sure din is low

retlw   no_err          ;Exit with good status.


;*                      DIN8                                        *


;Din8 will input 8 bits of data from the

;93CX6.  Before calling this routine, the FSR

;must point to the register being used to

;hold the incomming data.


IF      wire3

;set up the RA1 as a input before proceeding

movlw   b'00000010'     ;set up porta

tris    serial          ;


movlw   8               ;Initialize loop counter.

movwf   cnt             ;


rlf     indir           ;Make room for the incomming bit in the

;destination register.

bcf     indir,0         ;Assume that the incomming bit is a '0' and

;clear the LSB of the destination register.

clkit                   ;Clock a bit in the 93CX6.

btfsc   serial,dout     ;Test the incomming bit, if our assumption

;was correct, skip the next instruction.

bsf     indir,0         ;No, actual bit is a '1'.  Set the LSB of the

;destination register.

decfsz  cnt             ;Repeat until cnt = 0.

goto    d_i_8           ;Cnt still > 0.

IF      wire3

;setup RA1 back to output

movlw   0               ;set RA1 as output

tris    serial          ;      /


retlw   no_err          ;Exit with good status.


;*                      RDYCHK                                      *


;Rdychk will read the 93CX6 READY/BUSY status

;and wait for RDY status within the alloted

;number of processor cycles.  If RDY status

;is not present after this set period, the

;routine will return with an error status.


IF      wire3

;set up RA1 as a input before proceeding

movlw   b'00000010'     ;set up porta

tris    serial          ;


movlw   tries           ;Initialize time-out counter.

movwf   cnthi           ;

clrf    cnt             ;

dsel                    ;De-select the 93CX6.

;       nop                     ;NOTE:  Check the 93CX6 data sheet for

;minimum CS low time.  Depending upon

;processor frequency, a nop(s) may be

;between the assertion and de-assertion of

;Chip Select.

sel                     ;Re-select the 93CX6.

notrdy  btfsc   serial,dout     ;If DO is a '0', 93CX6 has yet to completed

;the last operation (still busy).

goto    rdynoerr        ;skip to no error

decfsz  cnt             ;No, not yet ready.  Decrement the LSB of our

;16 bit timer and check for expiration.

goto    notrdy          ;Still some time left.  Try again.

decfsz  cnthi           ;Least significant byte expired - decrement

;and check for expiration of the MSB.

goto    notrdy          ;Still some time left.  Try again.

IF      wire3

;setup RA1 back to output

movlw   0               ;set RA1 as output

tris    serial          ;      /


retlw   error           ;RDY status was not present in the alloted

;time, return with error status.


IF      wire3

;setup RA1 back to output

movlw   0               ;set porta as output

tris    serial          ;      /


retlw   no_err


;*                      SEE                                         *


;See will control the entire operation of a

;93CX6 device.  Prior to calling the routine,

;load a valid command/memory address into

;location cmd, and for WRITE or WRAL

;commands, load registers highb and lowb with

;16 bits of write data.  Upon exit, the W

;register will contain the completion status.

;Only 93CX6 instructions which require a

;status check can return with an error as the

;completion status.  The values that denote

;the completion status are defined as

;variables 'error' and 'no_err' in the

;general assignments section.


movf    cmd,w           ;save cmd

movwf   temp_cmd

movf    addr,w          ;save addr

movwf   temp_addr       ;

movlw   cmd             ;Load W with the location of the cmd


movwf   fsr             ;Transfer that information into the File

;Select Register.  The fsr now points to

;location cmd.

sel                     ;Select the 93CX6.

strtbt                  ;Send a start bit.


btfsc   cmd,7           ;bit 7 = 0?

IF      XC46

goto    sca8            ;xfer 8 bit cmd/adr


IF      LC468

goto    sca9            ;xfer 9 bit cmd/adr


IF      H16

goto    sca10           ;xfer 10 bit cmd/adr


IF      H8

goto    sca11           ;xfer 11 bit cmd/adr


;        goto    set_cmd_addr    ;no then set cmd/addr

btfss   cmd,6           ;bit 6 = 0 ?

IF      XC46

goto    sc8             ;xfer 8 bit cmd/adr


IF      LC468

goto    sc9             ;xfer 9 bit cmd/adr


IF      H16

goto    sc10            ;xfer 10 bit cmd/adr


IF      H8

goto    sc11            ;xfer 11 bit cmd/adr


;        goto    set_cmd         ;yes then set cmd

IF      XC46

goto    sca8            ;xfer 8 bit cmd/adr


IF      LC468

goto    sca9            ;xfer 9 bit cmd/adr


IF      H16

goto    sca10           ;xfer 10 bit cmd/adr


IF      H8

goto    sca11           ;xfer 11 bit cmd/adr


;        goto    set_cmd_addr    ;else set cmd/addr


movf    temp_cmd,w      ;retore cmd

movwf   cmd             ;       /

movf    temp_addr,w     ;restore addr

movwf   addr            ;       /

btfsc   cmd,6           ;Check for a WRITE or ERASE command.

goto    see2            ;Yes, parse the command further.

btfsc   cmd,7           ;Check for a READ command.

goto    read_           ;Yes, process READ command.

btfsc   cmd,5           ;Check for a EWEN or ERAL command.

goto    see3            ;Yes, parse the command further.

btfsc   cmd,4           ;Check for a WRAL command.

goto    write_          ;Yes, process WRITE/WRAL command.

exit_   dsel                    ;No further processing required; 93CX6

;command completed.


retlw   no_err          ;Return with good completion status.

see2    btfss   cmd,7           ;Check for a ERASE command.

goto    write_          ;No, process WRITE command.

exit2_  call    rdychk          ;ERASE command requires a status check.

dsel                    ;De-select the 93CX6.

addwf   pc              ;Compute completion status from results of

;status check.

retlw   no_err          ;Return with good completion status.

retlw   error           ;Return with bad completion status.

see3    btfsc   cmd,4           ;Check for a EWEN command.

goto    exit_           ;Yes, no further processing required, exit


goto    exit2_          ;No, ERAL command which requires a status


read_   incf    fsr             ;Increment the File Select Register to point

;to the register receiving the upper byte of

;the incomming 93CX6 data word.

call    din8            ;Input the upper byte.

IF      org8


incf    fsr             ;Increment the File Select Register to point

;to the register receiving the lower byte.

call    din8            ;Input 8 more bits.


goto    exit_           ;No further processing required, exit now.

write_  incf    fsr             ;Increment the File Select Register to point

;to the upper byte of the 16 bit 93CX6 data

;word to be transmitted.

call    dout8           ;Output that byte.

IF      org8


incf    fsr            ;Increment the File Select Register to point

;to the lower byte.

call    dout8          ;Output the lower byte of the 16 bit 93CX6

;data word.


goto    exit2_          ;Exit with a status check.



IF      XC46


movlw   b'11000000'     ;clr all but hi 2

andwf   cmd,w           ;save in w

iorwf   addr            ;mask in addr.

incf    fsr             ;inc FSR

call    dout8           ;output

goto    see1            ;return


IF      LC468



bcf     addr,7          ;clr hi of addr

btfsc   cmd,6           ;xfer cmd's bit 6

bsf     addr,7          ;to addr's bit 7

call    dout9           ;output

goto    see1            ;return


IF      H16



call    dout10          ;output cmd reg

goto    see1            ;return



IF      H8


bcf     cmd,5           ;xfer cmd's bit 3 to

btfsc   cmd,3           ;cmd's bit 5

bsf     cmd,5           ;       /

call    dout11          ;output

goto    see1            ;return






IF      XC46


movf    cmd,w           ;get command

movwf   addr            ;save in addr

incf    fsr             ;inc pointer

call    dout8           ;output

goto    see1            ;return



IF      LC468


rlf     cmd,w           ;rotate cmd left

movwf   addr            ;save in addr

call    dout9           ;xfer 9 bits

goto    see1            ;return


IF      H16



rlf     cmd             ;rotate cmd

rlf     cmd,w           ;left twice

movwf   addr            ;save in addr

clrf    cmd             ;clear command

call    dout10          ;xfer 10 bits

goto    see1            ;return



IF      H8


bcf     addr,7          ;xfer cmd's bit 4

btfsc   cmd,4           ;to addr's bit 7

bsf     addr,7          ;       /

call    dout11          ;xfer 11 bits

goto    see1            ;return



;*                      Test Program                                *


main                    ;We've include a sample program to exercise

;the PIC to 93C66 interface using a simple

;erase, write and verify routine.

;8 bit organization has been used

;with a 3 wire interface.

clrf    serial          ;Clear the port tied to the 93C66 device.

movlw   b'11110000'     ;Intialize the data direction register for

tris    serial          ;that port.

movlw   ewen            ;Load W with the Erase/Write Enable command.

movwf   cmd             ;Transfer W into cmd register.

call    see             ;Enable the 93C66 device.

movlw   eral            ;Load W with the Erase All command.

movwf   cmd             ;Transfer W into cmd register.

call    see             ;Erase the 93C66.

xorlw   error           ;Check completion status.

btfsc   status, zflag   ;Test for error condition.

goto    errloop         ;Yes, bad completion status, error-out.

;Write loop:

tstptrn equ     0xAA            ;Define the test pattern to be written.

movlw   write           ;Load W with the Write command.

movwf   cmd             ;Transfer W into cmd register.

movlw   tstptrn         ;Intialize the 93C66 data registers with

;write data.

movwf   highb           ;load in high byte only

;since 8 bit low byte is ignored

clrf    addr            ;start at addr 0

test1   call    see             ;Write data word into 93C66 device.

xorlw   error           ;Check completion status.

btfsc   status,zflag    ;Test for error condition.

goto    errloop         ;Yes, bad completion status, error-out.

incfsz  addr            ;No, increment the 8 bit memory address


goto    test1           ;write another location

btfss   cmd,3           ;see if all done

goto    wrt_nxt_pg      ;no then write next page

goto    read_tst        ;read written data


bsf     cmd,3           ;set page bit

goto    test1           ;No, write another location.

;Read loop:


movlw   read            ;Load W with the Read command.

movwf   cmd             ;Transfer W into cmd register.

test2   call    see             ;Read addressed data word from 93C66 device.

movlw   tstptrn         ;Load W with the pattern written.

subwf   highb,w         ;Verify the data read against what was


btfss   status,zflag    ;Same?

goto    errloop         ;No, error-out.

incfsz  addr            ;Yes, both byte correct, increment the 8 bit

;memory address field.

goto    test2           ;do next byte

btfss   cmd,3           ;check page bit

goto    rd_nxt_pg       ;no then chk next page

goto    allok           ;all done!!!


bsf     cmd,3           ;set page bit

goto    test2           ;No, read another location.

allok   goto    allok           ;Home safe!




goto    errloop






ORG     PIC54






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