国内有些企业项目开发当中,可能会遇到UAP的概念,UAP指的是Unified Application Platform,即统一应用平台。




  1. 浪潮楼上平台。Loushang平台是基于大量企业级应用模式和企业级集成模式的面向企业级应用开发的框架。开发者可以为了实现解决不同的问题方便地使用、扩展、定制不同层次的组件。Loushang平台核心是WEB应用框架,平台还包括大量WEB组件、MDA元数据、工作流引擎、业务服务平台、开发J2EE应用的大量工具包、企业服务总线(ESB)、协作平台,并提供了基于平台的开发指导方法。平台内含组织权限模型、基本的业务框架、代码自动生成机、开发工具、灵活报表等组件,支持多样的用户接口,即时通讯消息组件,通过使用本平台开发程序,能简化开发过程,提高开发效率,能快速地开发和变更软件,开发出来的产品具备良好的稳定性、扩展性和可维护性。
  2. 普元企业统一应用平台、EOS平台。企业统一应用平台解决方案是帮助客户建设自有的软件基础平台,以达到快速开发低成本高质量的应用,提升企业IT架构的统一性、灵活性和可管控能力。主要的内容包括技术架构设计、蓝图规划(包含开发环境、运行环境、应用治理环境等部分)、实施方案、原型验证、客户化定制实施等。
  3. 用友UAP、云平台。用友云平台的核心价值3+2支撑起来的,3+2包括技术中台、数据中台、业务中台,以及混合云服务和生态服务
  4. SG-UAP平台,由国网公司打造的SoTower平台及PI3000,SG186工程后两个平台合并成SG-UAP。SG-UAP平台的主要组成部分包括:集成开发工具、平台微内核、核心框架、界面交互、模型驱动、即席报表、任务调度、数据缓存、工作流BPM、统一权限ISC、系统治理工具。


Enterprise Unified Application Platform (EUAP) – a framework-based approach that minimizes the complexity and make the IT as highly scalable and adoptable for any business growth or alignments
This framework helps to achieve the variety of IT needs by building applications solutions and assembling application components on top of the core platform. The core platform have been built using the uniform of technologies that includes application frameworks, process framework, rules engine, service framework, integration and mobile API. This approach will help to transform the legacy systems into the newer IT platform, which is highly scalable and portable in any infrastructure. Since the platform is built using unified correlated frameworks and technologies, this approach help to quickly align the application functions and processes for future needs. The selection of technologies and frameworks for building the unified platform is purely based on the business and infrastructure needs.
EUAP is built using uniform of technologies and frameworks to meet various enterprises IT needs. The advanced technologies such as Web 2.0, SOA, BPM, BRM, EAI and Cloud have been used as fundamental IT architectures, as it provide various capabilities for enterprise IT. However, building uniform platform using the advanced technologies requires enormous amount of research and efforts to identify the well-defined framework and API. Aspire’s experience in the advanced technologies helped to identify the predefined set of framework selections that helps to meet various enterprise needs. Therefore, the advanced technologies and architectures are the fundamentals of building unified platform. Using the advanced technologies, the IT framework portfolio is defined and prebuilt to meet enterprise applications portfolios. The enterprise application portfolio includes web applications, portals, business applications, integration solutions, security, mobile etc. Once the unified application platform built using the platform frameworks, it streamlines and helps to build various business functions and IT alignment seamlessly using the platform frameworks. The EUAP is purely customizable depending on the enterprise legacy system, infrastructure and budget.



浪潮“楼上”开发平台简介 - gds通用软件开发系统 - 博客园​www.cnblogs.com

SG-UAP3.0开发平台微服务与isc集成方案具体实现 - 国网 - Sena​www.xupeisen.com诺亚方舟IT:国网SG-UAP平台​zhuanlan.zhihu.com


国网应用系统统一开发平台SG-UAP 安装指南​my.oschina.net


Kubernetes as the Unified Application Platform​itknowledgeexchange.techtarget.com

Enterprise Unified Application Platform (EUAP) - Series 1: Maintaining Legacy Applications​blog.aspiresys.com

Enterprise Unified Application Platform (EUAP) - Series 2: All about EUAP​blog.aspiresys.com

Enterprise Unified Application Platform (EUAP) - Series 3: Adopting EUAP​blog.aspiresys.com


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