

上午开发时出现一个编译错误:missing ';' before 'namesapce',我仔细检查了出错的那句代码,感觉任何没有问题。删掉再重新输入也依然出现这个问题。上网查了下资料,找到了答案:

This can happenwhen one include file has an error (or missing semicolon) at the end of thefile and that file is included immediately before another. The error that isgenerated indicates that there is a problem in the second include file ratherthan the first. So as a starting point, make sure that, if you have a filethat's included before Time.h, that is doesn't have any errors in it.

Pasting thecontent of your .h and .cpp files would certainly be helpful rather than justthe error message.

上面是说某个包含的头文件有一个错误(可能是缺少一个分号)。看到这里,我想到刚刚新建的一个类的头文件声明是不是缺少分号呢?一去检查,发现果然缺少分号。该错误的诡异之处在于编译器并不把错误提示在缺少分号的那个头文件,而是其它头文件,结果就是导致了让人找了很久也百思不得其解。我的编译环境是VS 2005+sp1, Win XP + sp3。


1. ErrorC2143 (missing ; before namespace) in MS VC include

作者:clever101 发表于2012-3-1 18:11:03 原文链接
阅读:46 评论:0 查看评论

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