
import os
import zipfile
import time
# 压缩目录
source_dir  = r'F:\web'
# 按时间生成文件名称
target_file = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + '.zip'

myZipFile = zipfile.ZipFile(target_file, 'w' )# 压缩所有文件,包含子目录
for root,dirs,files in os.walk(source_dir):
    for vfileName in files:
        fileName = os.path.join(root,vfileName)
        myZipFile.write( fileName, fileName, zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED )
 # 压缩完成

Gzip File Handling. The gzip module provides function and class definitions that make it easy to handle simple Gzip files. These allow you to open a compressed file and read it as if it were already decompressed. They also allow you to open a file and write to it, having the data automatically compressed as you write.

gzip.open( filename mode level fileobj ) → gzip.GzipFile

Open the file named filename with the given mode ('r''w' or 'a'). The compression level is an integer that provides a preference for speed versus size. As an alternative, you can open a file or socket separately and provide a fileobj , for example, f= open('somefile','r'); zf= gzip.open( fileobj=f ).

Once this file is open, it can perform ordinary readreadlinereadlineswritewriteline, and writelines operations. If you open the file with 'rb'mode, the various read functions will decompress the file's contents as the file is read. If you open the file with 'wb' or 'ab' modes, the various write functions will compress the data as they write to the file.

How to create full compressed tar file using Python?

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how can I create a .tar.gz file which compress the data as much tar can...

python compression zip tarfile
asked Jan 9 at 4:59

75% accept rate
tar doesn't compress data, it just packs the files together. It's gzip that does the actual compression. – Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams Jan 9 at 5:19

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3 Answers


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You call tarfile.open with mode='w:gz', meaning "Open for gzip compressed writing."

You'll probably want to end the filename (the name argument to open) with .tar.gz, but that doesn't affect compression abilities.

BTW, you usually get better compression with a mode of 'w:bz2', just like tar can usually compress even better with bzip2 than it can compress with gzip.

answered Jan 9 at 5:19
Alex Martelli

Just a quick note that the filename for bzip2-compressed tarballs should end with ".tar.bz2". – Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams Jan 9 at 5:23

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tarfile module is cool: http://docs.python.org/library/tarfile.html

answered Jan 9 at 5:01

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import tarfiletar = tarfile.open("sample.tar.gz", "w:gz")for name in ["file1", "file2", "file3"]:    tar.add(name)tar.close()

If you want to create a tar.bz2 compressed file, just replace file extension name with ".tar.bz2" and "w:gz" with "w:bz2".


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