
用于获取文件扩展属性,返回一系列键值对,参考Linux Man Page。


-n name, --name=name

Dump the value of the named extended attribute extended attribute.

-d, --dump

Dump the values of all extended attributes associated with pathname.

-e en, --encoding=en

Encode values after retrieving them. Valid values of en are "text", "hex", and "base64". Values encoded as text strings are enclosed in double quotes ("), while strings encoded as hexidecimal and base64 are prefixed with 0x and 0s, respectively.

-h, --no-dereference

Do not dereference symlinks. Instead of the file a symlink refers to, the symlink itself is examined. Unless doing a logical (-L) traversal, do not traverse symlinks to directories.

-m pattern, --match=pattern

Only include attributes with names matching the regular expression pattern. The default value for pattern is "^user\.", which includes all the attributes in the user namespace. Specify "-" for including all attributes. Refer to attr(5) for a more detailed discussion of namespaces.


Do not strip leading slash characters ('/'). The default behaviour is to strip leading slash characters.


Dump out the extended attribute value(s) only.

-R, --recursive

List the attributes of all files and directories recursively.

-L, --logical

Logical walk, follow symbolic links to directories. The default behaviour is to follow symbolic link arguments unless --no-dereference is given, and to skip symbolic links encountered in subdirectories. Only effective in combination with -R.

-P, --physical

Physical walk, do not follow symbolic links to directories. This also skips symbolic link arguments. Only effective in combination with -R.


Print the version of getfattr and exit.


Print help explaining the command line options.



getfattr -m . -d -e hex --absolute-names $( vm-disk-1.qcow2 | grep $(hostname) | awk -F ":" '{print $2}')


# file: /sf/data/vs/local/V1gACv-8aPk-GDhe-nNnx-6uoD-isPj-ia9fSO/c93f1a03-ca0a-41cf-bca2-f723b35122ed/images/cluster/ljr.vm/vm-disk-1.qcow2






-m . 匹配所有格式的扩展属性,默认的是,即"^user."。

-d -e hex 使用16进制编码dump出对应扩展属性的值

--absolute-names 不过滤路径分隔符('/')


getfattr -n 'trusted.gfid' -d -e hex --absolute-names $( vm-disk-1.qcow2 | grep $(hostname) | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' )


# file: /sf/data/vs/local/V1gACv-8aPk-GDhe-nNnx-6uoD-isPj-ia9fSO/c93f1a03-ca0a-41cf-bca2-f723b35122ed/images/cluster/ljr.vm/vm-disk-1.qcow2



-n 指定扩展属性的名称

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