[因应华东区服务业务扩展,长期需要咨询顾问/架构师/.NET高级开发员,有意者发送邮件至 ningxue@microsoft.com]

Job Title: .NET Consultant/Architect/Senior Developer
Organization: Microsoft Enterprise Services
Reports to: Enterprise Service Manager in Shanghai
Location: Shanghai


The incumbent will be a member of Microsoft Consulting Service (MCS) in Enterprise Service team.  Along with MCS consultants, he/she is responsible for delivering professional  technical consulting, application development to Microsoft’s enterprise customers. The majority of his/her work will be application design, development and testing in order to help customer to build mission critical application with high availability, scalability, security and manageability based on Microsoft platform and .NET technology. Onsite project delivery is very likely.

•           In charge of project development to enterprises customers along with Microsoft consultants. Project deliverables include technical consulting, application development, architecting and designing, training, supporting etc.
•           Understands common customer requirements and work with MS consultants to develop a plan to achieve Microsoft and customer objectives. Often participates in individual/team projects to enhance customer consulting.
•           Along with MS consultant team, consult and support enterprise customer or partner to build up mission critical application with high availability, scalability, security and manageability based on Microsoft platform and .NET technology.

•           Good university degree in Computer Science or Electronic Engineering or equivalent experience.
•           At least four years of IT professional experience, either project development, or teaching in computer science.
•           Technically strong on application architecture, design, development, trouble-shooting, performance tuning etc. Past project development experience as architect or key developer is an advantage;
•           Proficient in development technology and tool, proven good project experience with C#,ASP.NET equivalent;
•           Familiar with DB design and development, MS SQL server is preferred. Familiarity with MS server products, i.e.,BizTalk,MOSS,Dynamics, is an advantage;
•           Good interpersonal/communication/presentation skill. Prior experience communicating with customers with good problem solving ability to work in a team environment.
•           Quick learner, love challenges under pressure; a good team player, willing to contribute to and follow team decisions.
•           Consultant candidate should have proven project management capability and experience.
•           MCSD or MCDBA is preferred.

Sincerely welcome to join this exciting and fast growing team. There will be many vacancies awaiting you in 2008.
To understand more on MS Enterprise Services, please go to website: http://www.microsoft.com/china/service/default.mspx



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