
Jeff Dean 2013 @ Stanford


一个对DL能干什么的入门级介绍,主要涉及Google在语音识别、图像处理和自然语言处理三个方向上的一些应用。参《Spanner and Deep Learning》(2013-01-19)

Hinton 2009

A tutorial on Deep Learning


Video http://videolectures.net/jul09_hinton_deeplearn/  (3 hours)


更多Hinton的教程 http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~hinton/nntut.html

斯坦福的Deep Learning公开课(2012)

Samy Bengio, Tom Dean and Andrew Ng



参2011年的课程CS294A/CS294W  Deep Learning and Unsupervised Feature Learning

  • UFLDL Tutorial Wiki: Unsupervised Feature Learning and Deep Learning Tutorial 不长,易懂

更多的斯坦福工作: Deep Learning in Natural Language Processing

NIPS 2009 tutorial

Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing, 2009 tutorial by Ronan Collobert (senna author) 
  • http://ronan.collobert.com/pub/matos/2009_tutorial_nips.pdf
  • video http://videolectures.net/nips09_collobert_weston_dlnl/

这个介绍了DL在三个方向上的应用:tagging (parsing), semantic search, concept labeling

Ronan Collobert的Senna是一个c的深度学习实现,只有2000多行代码

ACL 2012 tutorial

Deep Learning for NLP (without Magic)

by Richard Socher, Yoshua Bengio and Chris Manning 
PDF: http://nlp.stanford.edu/~socherr/SocherBengioManning-DeepLearning-ACL2012-20120707-NoMargin.pdf 

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IF5tGEgRCTQ&list=PL4617D0E28A5781B0

Kai Yu’s Tutorial

On November 26, 2012
Title: “A Tutorial on Deep Learning” 
In the past 30 years, tremendous progress has been made in building effective classification models. Despite the success, we have to realize that, in major AI challenges, the key bottleneck is not the quality of classifiers but that of features. Since 2006, learning high-level features using deep architectures has become a big wave of new learning paradigms. In recent two years, performance breakthrough was reported in both image and speech recognition tasks, indicating deep learning are not something ignorable. In this talk, I will walk through the recent works and key building blocks, e.g., sparse coding, RBMs, auto-encoders, etc. and list the major research topics, including modeling and computational issues. In the end, I will discuss what might be interesting topics for future research. 
Bio of Dr. Kai Yu: 
余 凯任百度技术副总监,多媒体部负责人,主要负责公司在语音,图像,音频等领域面向互联网和移动应用的技术研发。加盟百度前,余凯博士在美国NEC研究院担 任Media Analytics部门主管(Department Head),领导团队在机器学习、图像识别、多媒体检索、视频监控,以及数据挖掘和人机交互等方面的产品技术研发。此前他曾在西门子公司任Senior Research Scientist。2011年曾在斯坦福大学计算机系客座主讲课程“CS121: 人工智能概论”。他在NIPS, ICML, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV,SIGIR, SIGKDD,TPAMI,TKDE等会议和杂志上发表了70多篇论文,H-index=28,曾担任机器学习国际会议ICML10, ICML11, NIPS11, NIPS12的Area Chair. 2012年他被评为中关村高端领军人才和北京市海聚计划高层次海外人才。 

Slides link: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=136269&uk=2267174042[1]

Video link: KaiYu_report.mp4 (519.2 MB)

Theano Deep Learning Tutorial

这个是实战, 如何用Python实现深度学习


Code https://github.com/lisa-lab/DeepLearningTutorials 

Survey Papers


Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville, Pascal Vincent. (2012) Representation Learning: A Review and New Perspectives

Yoshua Bengio (2009). Learning Deep Architectures for AI.


  • Itamar Arel, Derek C. Rose, and Thomas P. Karnowski. (2010) Deep Machine Learning – A New Frontier in Artificial Intelligence Research  这篇没什么公式,也不长,就是笼统的介绍一下
  • 截至2009的一些重要文章http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~lisa/twiki/bin/view.cgi/Public/ReadingOnDeepNetworks


Deep Learning虽好,也要牢记它的局限



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