

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;//函数的声明
void swap(int a, int b);


#include "swap.h"//函数的定义
void swap(int a, int b)
{int temp = a;a = b;b = temp;cout << "a = " << a << endl;cout << "b = " << b << endl;


using namespace std;
#include "swap.h"//函数的分文件编写
//void swap(int a, int b);
//void swap(int a, int b)
//  int temp = a;
//  a = b;
//  b = temp;
//  cout << "a = " << a << endl;
//  cout << "b = " << b << endl;
//4、在源文件中写函数的定义int main() {int a = 10;int b = 20;swap(a, b);system("pause");return 0;

demo6:形参不改变 ,当我们做值传递的时候,函数的形参发生改变,并不会影响实参

using namespace std;//值传递
void swap3(int num1, int num2)
{cout << "交换前: " << endl;cout << "num1 = " << num1 << endl;cout << "num2 = " << num2 << endl;int temp = num1;num1 = num2;num2 = temp;cout << "交换后: " << endl;cout << "num1 = " << num1 << endl;cout << "num2 = " << num2 << endl;//return; 返回值不需要的时候,可以不写return
}int main() {int a = 10;int b = 20;cout << "a = " << a << endl;cout << "b = " << b << endl;//当我们做值传递的时候,函数的形参发生改变,并不会影响实参swap3(a, b);cout << "a = " << a << endl;cout << "b = " << b << endl;system("pause");return 0;

demo5:结构体中const: 将函数中的形参改为指针,可以减少内存空间,而且不会复制新的副本出来

using namespace std;
#include <string>//const的使用场景struct student
{//姓名string name;//年龄int age;//分数int score;
void printStudents(const student *s)
{//s->age = 150; //加入const之后,一旦有修改的操作就会报错,可以防止我们的误操作cout << "姓名: " << s->name << " 年龄: " << s->age << " 得分: " << s->score << endl;
}int main() {//创建结构体变量struct student s = { "张三" , 15 , 70 };//通过函数打印结构体变量信息printStudents(&s);cout << "main中张三年龄为: " << s.age << endl;system("pause");return 0;


using namespace std;
#include <string>//定义学生结构体
struct student
{//姓名string name;//年龄int age;//分数int score;
void printStudent1(struct student s)
{s.age = 100;cout << "子函数中 姓名: " << << " 年龄: " << s.age << " 分数: " << s.score << endl;
void printStudent2(struct student * p)
{p->age = 200;cout << "子函数2中 姓名:" << p->name << " 年龄: " << p->age << " 分数:" << p->score << endl;}int main() {//结构体做函数参数//将学生传入到一个参数中,打印学生身上的所有信息//创建结构体变量struct student s; = "张三";s.age = 20;s.score = 85;//printStudent1(s);printStudent2(&s);cout << "main函数中打印 姓名: " << << " 年龄: " << s.age << " 分数:" << s.score << endl;system("pause");return 0;

demo3:结构体指针;使用一个指针接受结构体对象,类似与数组的声明    //通过结构体指针 访问结构体中的属性,需要利用 ' -> '

using namespace std;
#include <string>//结构体指针//定义学生结构体
struct stu
{string name;  //姓名int age;   //年龄int score; //分数
};int main() {//1、创建学生结构体变量stu s = { "张三" , 18 , 100 };//2、通过指针指向结构体变量stu * p = &s;//3、通过指针访问结构体变量中的数据//通过结构体指针 访问结构体中的属性,需要利用 ' -> 'cout << "姓名: " << p->name << " 年龄: " << p->age << " 分数: " << p->score << endl;system("pause");return 0;


using namespace std;
#include <string>//结构体数组
struct Student
{//姓名string name;//年龄int age;//分数int score;
};int main() {//2、创建结构体数组struct Student stuArray[3] ={{ "张三", 18 , 100 },{ "李四",28 , 99 },{ "王五",38 , 66 }};//3、给结构体数组中的元素赋值stuArray[2].name = "赵六";stuArray[2].age = 80;stuArray[2].score = 60;//4、遍历结构体数组for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){cout << " 姓名: " << stuArray[i].name<< " 年龄: " << stuArray[i].age<< " 分数: " << stuArray[i].score << endl;}system("pause");return 0;


using namespace std;
#include <string>
#include <ctime>//学生的结构体
struct Student
{//姓名string sName;//分数int score;
struct Teacher
{//姓名string tName;//学生数组struct Student sArray[5];
void allocateSpace(struct Teacher tArray[], int len)
{string nameSeed = "ABCDE";//给老师开始赋值for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){tArray[i].tName = "Teacher_";tArray[i].tName += nameSeed[i];//通过循环给每名老师所带的学生赋值for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++){tArray[i].sArray[j].sName = "Student_";tArray[i].sArray[j].sName += nameSeed[j];int random = rand() % 61 + 40; // 40 ~ 100tArray[i].sArray[j].score = random;}}
void printInfo(struct Teacher tArray[], int len)
{for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){cout << "老师姓名: " << tArray[i].tName << endl;for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++){cout << "\t学生姓名: " << tArray[i].sArray[j].sName <<" 考试分数: " << tArray[i].sArray[j].score << endl;}}
}int main() {//随机数种子srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));//1、创建3名老师的数组struct Teacher tArray[3];//2、通过函数给3名老师的信息赋值,并给老师带的学生信息赋值int len = sizeof(tArray) / sizeof(tArray[0]);allocateSpace(tArray, len);//3、打印所有老师及所带的学生信息printInfo(tArray, len);system("pause");return 0;

demo0: 游戏英雄(结构体)编程练习。使用冒泡排序,年龄升序排列。

using namespace std;
#include <string>//1、设计英雄结构体
struct Hero
{//姓名string name;//年龄int age;//性别string sex;
};//冒泡排序 实现年龄升序排列
void bubbleSort(struct Hero heroArray[], int len)
{for (int i = 0; i < len - 1; i++){for (int j = 0; j < len - i - 1; j++){//如果j 下标的元素年龄 大于 j+1下标的元素的年龄 ,交换两个元素if (heroArray[j].age > heroArray[j + 1].age){struct Hero temp = heroArray[j];heroArray[j] = heroArray[j + 1];heroArray[j + 1] = temp;}}}
void printHero(struct Hero heroArray[], int len)
{for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){cout << "姓名: " << heroArray[i].name << " 年龄: " << heroArray[i].age<< " 性别: " << heroArray[i].sex << endl;}}int main() {//2、创建数组存放5名英雄struct Hero heroArray[5] ={{ "刘备",23,"男" },{ "关羽",22,"男" },{ "张飞",20,"男" },{ "赵云",21,"男" },{ "貂蝉",19,"女" },};int len = sizeof(heroArray) / sizeof(heroArray[0]);cout << "排序前打印: " << endl;for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){cout << "姓名: " << heroArray[i].name << " 年龄: " << heroArray[i].age<< " 性别: " << heroArray[i].sex << endl;}//3、对数组进行排序,按照年龄进行升序排序bubbleSort(heroArray, len);cout << "排序后打印: " << endl;//4、将排序后结果打印输出printHero(heroArray, len);system("pause");return 0;


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