题目:Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)



Trie树,又叫字典树、前缀树(Prefix Tree)、单词查找树 或 键树,是一种多叉树结构。如下图:

上图是一棵Trie树,表示了关键字集合{“a”, “to”, “tea”, “ted”, “ten”, “i”, “in”, “inn”} 。从上图可以归纳出Trie树的基本性质:

  1. 根节点不包含字符,除根节点外的每一个子节点都包含一个字符。
  2. 从根节点到某一个节点,路径上经过的字符连接起来,为该节点对应的字符串。
  3. 每个节点的所有子节点包含的字符互不相同。


可以看出,Trie树的关键字一般都是字符串,而且Trie树把每个关键字保存在一条路径上,而不是一个结点中。另外,两个有公共前缀的关键字,在Trie树中前缀部分的路径相同,所以Trie树又叫做前缀树(Prefix Tree)。



struct TrieNode{int count = 0;//该节点代表的单词的个数,由此判断当前节点是否构成一个单词vector<TrieNode*> children;//26个小写字母,以它们的值为下标};



下面包括void insert(string word);bool search(string word);bool startsWith(string prefix);三个操作。

class Trie {
public:/** Initialize your data structure here. */Trie() {root = new TrieNode();root->count = 0;for (size_t i = 0; i < 26; i++)    {root->children.push_back(nullptr);}}/** Inserts a word into the trie. */void insert(string word) {auto it = word.cbegin();auto p = root;while (it != word.cend()){auto pos = *it - 'a';if (!p->children.at(pos)){//创建字典树节点TrieNode* newChild = new TrieNode();newChild->count = 0;for (size_t i = 0; i < 26; i++)    {newChild->children.push_back(nullptr);}p->children.at(pos) = newChild;//连接
            }p = p->children.at(pos);++it;}++(p->count);//增加他的访问,p是最后的节点
    }/** Returns if the word is in the trie. */bool search(string word) {auto it = word.cbegin();auto p = root;while (it != word.cend()){//正常退出表示找到了该单词的末尾位置auto pos = *it - 'a';if (!p->children.at(pos))return false;//不能构成单词p = p->children.at(pos);++it;}if (p->count)return true;//count>0表示当前节点构成一个单词return false;}/** Returns if there is any word in the trie that starts with the given prefix. */bool startsWith(string prefix) {auto it = prefix.cbegin();auto p = root;while (it != prefix.cend()){//正常退出表示找到了该单词的末尾位置auto pos = *it - 'a';if (!p->children.at(pos))return false;//不能构成单词p = p->children.at(pos);++it;}return true;}
private:struct TrieNode{int count = 0;//该节点代表的单词的个数,由此判断当前节点是否构成一个单词vector<TrieNode*> children;//26个小写字母,以它们的值为下标
    };TrieNode* root;

题目:Add and Search Word - Data structure design



class WordDictionary {
public:/** Initialize your data structure here. */WordDictionary() {dict = new TrieNode();dict->isKey = false;for (size_t i = 0; i < 26; i++)    {dict->children.push_back(nullptr);}}/** Adds a word into the data structure. */void addWord(string word) {auto it = word.cbegin();auto p = dict;while (it != word.cend()){auto pos = *it - 'a';if (!p->children.at(pos)){TrieNode* newChild = new TrieNode();newChild->isKey = false;for (size_t i = 0; i < 26; i++)    {newChild->children.push_back(nullptr);}p->children.at(pos) = newChild;}p = p->children.at(pos);++it;}p->isKey = true;}/** Returns if the word is in the data structure. A word could contain the dot character '.' to represent any one letter. */bool search(string word) {return query(word, dict);}
private:struct TrieNode{bool isKey = false;//标记从树根到断当前节点是否构成一个单词vector<TrieNode*> children;//26个小写字母,以它们的值为下标
    };TrieNode* dict;bool query(string word, TrieNode* root){if (!root)return false;auto p = root;for (size_t i = 0; i < word.size(); ++i){//正常退出表示找到了该单词的末尾位置if (word[i] == '.'){//一个点string sub = i == word.size() - 1 ? word.substr(i, 0) : word.substr(i + 1, word.size() - 1 - i);for (size_t i = 0; i < p->children.size(); i++){if (query(sub, p->children.at(i)))return true;//找到符合的单词
                }return false;}auto pos = word[i] - 'a';if (!p->children.at(pos))return false;//不能构成单词p = p->children.at(pos);}if (p->isKey)return true;//count>0表示当前节点构成一个单词return false;}

bool search(string word)需要使用递归实现,所以有了query()的实现。主要就是当遇到'.'的时候循环递归判断当前树节点的每一个子节点。


1.空串的情况:string sub = i == word.size() - 1 ? word.substr(i, 0) : word.substr(i + 1, word.size() - 1 - i);此时单词的最后一个字符是'.',substr中不能传i+1;

2.空节点的情况:if (!root)return false;

题目:Word Search II



Given words = ["oath","pea","eat","rain"] and board =


Return ["eat","oath"].





class TrieNode{
public:int count;//该节点代表的单词的个数,由此判断当前节点是否构成一个单词vector<TrieNode*> children;//26个小写字母,以它们的值为下标TrieNode() :count(0){children = vector<TrieNode*>(26, nullptr);}
};class Trie {
public:/** Initialize your data structure here. */Trie() {root = new TrieNode();}Trie(vector<string>& words) {root = new TrieNode();for (size_t i = 0; i < words.size(); ++i)    {insert(words.at(i));}}TrieNode* getRoot(){ return root; }/** Inserts a word into the trie. */void insert(string word) {auto it = word.cbegin();auto p = root;while (it != word.cend()){auto pos = *it - 'a';if (!p->children.at(pos)){//创建字典树节点TrieNode* newChild = new TrieNode();newChild->count = 0;for (size_t i = 0; i < 26; i++)    {newChild->children.push_back(nullptr);}p->children.at(pos) = newChild;//连接
            }p = p->children.at(pos);++it;}p->count = 1;//增加他的访问,p是最后的节点
    }/** Returns if the word is in the trie. */bool search(string word) {auto it = word.cbegin();auto p = root;while (it != word.cend()){//正常退出表示找到了该单词的末尾位置auto pos = *it - 'a';if (!p->children.at(pos))return false;//不能构成单词p = p->children.at(pos);++it;}if (p->count)return true;//count>0表示当前节点构成一个单词return false;}/** Returns if there is any word in the trie that starts with the given prefix. */bool startsWith(string prefix) {auto it = prefix.cbegin();auto p = root;while (it != prefix.cend()){//正常退出表示找到了该单词的末尾位置auto pos = *it - 'a';if (!p->children.at(pos))return false;//不能构成单词p = p->children.at(pos);++it;}return true;}
private:friend class TrieNode;//不能丢,否则会报“不能将TrieNode*类型的值分配到TrieNode*类型的实体”的错误TrieNode* root;

这里完全使用C++的语法实现,注意Trie中friend class TrieNode;不能少;


vector<string> LeetCode::findWords(vector<vector<char>>& board, vector<string>& words){Trie tree(words);set<string> result;//防止添加重复的单词for (size_t i = 0; i < board.size(); ++i){for (size_t j = 0; j < board.at(0).size(); ++j){findWords(board, i, j, tree.getRoot(), string(""), result);}}vector<string> strs;for each (auto s in result){strs.push_back(s);}return strs;
}void LeetCode::findWords(vector<vector<char>>& board, int i, int j, TrieNode* root, string& word, set<string>& result){if (i < 0 || i >= board.size() || j < 0 || j >= board.at(0).size() || board.at(i).at(j) == ' ')return;//越界返回TrieNode* p = root->children.at(board.at(i).at(j) - 'a');if (p){word += board.at(i).at(j);if (p->count)result.insert(word);//找到一个单词char ch = board.at(i).at(j);board.at(i).at(j) = ' ';//一个字符不能重复使用findWords(board, i - 1, j, p, word, result);//左边findWords(board, i, j - 1, p, word, result);//下边findWords(board, i + 1, j, p, word, result);//右边findWords(board, i, j + 1, p, word, result);//上边board.at(i).at(j) = ch;word.pop_back();}





board.at(i).at(j) = ' ';//一个字符不能重复使用


vector<string> findWords(vector<vector<char>>& board, vector<string>& words) {Trie tree(words);vector<string> result;//防止添加重复的单词string word;for (size_t i = 0; i < board.size(); ++i){for (size_t j = 0; j < board.at(0).size(); ++j){findWords(board, i, j, tree.getRoot(), word, result);}}return result;}void findWords(vector<vector<char>>& board, int i, int j, TrieNode* root, string& word, vector<string>& result){if (i < 0 || i >= board.size() || j < 0 || j >= board.at(0).size() || board.at(i).at(j) == ' ')return;//越界返回TrieNode* p = root->children.at(board.at(i).at(j) - 'a');if (p){word += board.at(i).at(j);if (p->count == 1){//初次(除了创建树的时候)访问时,添加result.push_back(word);//找到一个单词p->count += 1;//访问过一次频度加一
            }char ch = board.at(i).at(j);board.at(i).at(j) = ' ';//一个字符不能重复使用findWords(board, i - 1, j, p, word, result);//左边findWords(board, i, j - 1, p, word, result);//下边findWords(board, i + 1, j, p, word, result);//右边findWords(board, i, j + 1, p, word, result);//上边board.at(i).at(j) = ch;word.pop_back();}}


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