工作效率 工具

by Egwuenu Gift


我使用的工具加快了我的工作流程,使我的工作效率更高 (The tools I use speed up my workflow and make myself more productive)

Nearly every developer works with different tools on a daily basis to help them achieve their goals or complete specific tasks. In this post, I’ll outline the tools I use for my day to day activities. First thing I’ll like to do is define a workflow.

几乎每个开发人员每天都使用不同的工具来帮助他们实现目标或完成特定任务。 在这篇文章中,我将概述我日常活动中使用的工具。 我想做的第一件事是定义工作流程。

什么是工作流程? (What is a Workflow?)

A workflow is a series of events or tasks that processes a set of data. Workflows occur across every kind of business and industry. They are the paths that describe how something goes from being a work in progress to complete, or raw to processed.

工作流是一系列处理一组数据的事件或任务。 工作流遍及各种业务和行业。 它们是描述事物从完成中的工作到完成,或从原始到处理的过程的路径。

Here’s an example: I have a workflow for writing articles. I start by looking for ideas for a post. Next, I create an outline. Then writing the actual content of the post to publishing all these are series of events to achieving a task.

这是一个示例:我有一个用于撰写文章的工作流。 我从寻找帖子的想法开始。 接下来,我创建一个轮廓。 然后编写帖子的实际内容以发布所有这些事件以完成任务。

As a developer, I tend to make use of certain tools that help speed up the process of completing a specific task. Even though a lot of these processes might be different for everyone, I still feel the need to share this with you. In the end, no knowledge is lost, right?

作为开发人员,我倾向于使用某些工具来帮助加速完成特定任务的过程。 尽管对于每个人而言,其中许多流程可能有所不同,但我仍然觉得有必要与您分享这一过程。 最后,没有知识会丢失,对吗?

我用来帮助提高生产率的工具 (Tools I use to help speed up productivity)

This is going to be a broad list so I’ll try and split them into different categories, I’ll be highlighting the tools I use when coding, writing, and other tools I think you will find helpful in general.


编码工具 (Coding Tools)



I found out about this tool recently from a friend and I really love using it. I’m a big fan of using the command line over using GUI but this tool is much different. GitKraken is a GitHub client application that works just like the command line you are already used to but with intuitive UI/UX that makes for a great experience when you are using this over the command line.

我最近从一个朋友那里发现了这个工具,我真的很喜欢使用它。 我是使用命令行而不是使用GUI的忠实拥护者,但是此工具有很大不同。 GitKraken是一个GitHub客户端应用程序,其工作方式与您已经习惯的命令行类似,但是具有直观的UI / UX,当您在命令行上使用它时,它将为您带来绝佳的体验。



This tool is another one I really like using. It is similar to Postman but also allows your query GraphQL endpoints which are cool right. Insomnia is a Powerful HTTP and GraphQL tool belt that is available on Mac, Linux and Windows platforms. Its features include GraphQL support, SVG and image previews, AWS authentication, etc.

这个工具是我非常喜欢使用的另一个工具。 它类似于Postman,但也允许您查询GraphQL端点,这些端点很酷。 Insomnia是功能强大的HTTP和GraphQL工具带,可在Mac,Linux和Windows平台上使用。 其功能包括GraphQL支持,SVG和图像预览,AWS身份验证等。

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio程式码

Visual Studio Code is a code editor that I really love using. I have been using for over a couple of years now and I’ve not found any reason to stop. With constant improvements and new features added regularly, this is my go-to choice for a code editor.

Visual Studio Code是我非常喜欢使用的代码编辑器。 我已经使用了两年多了,但我还没有找到停止的理由。 通过不断的改进和定期添加的新功能,这是代码编辑器的首选。



Dash is a Mac application for developers that give you access to over 200+ API documentation offline for free. You can create your own docsets or even request for docs that are not included. For Windows users, an alternative for this app is Zeal App.

Dash是面向开发人员的Mac应用程序,可让您免费离线访问200多种API文档。 您可以创建自己的文档集,甚至可以请求不包含的文档集。 对于Windows用户,此应用程序的替代方法是Zeal应用程序。



Ever wanted to use GUI instead of the command line for Git? Then SourceTree is your best bet. I already mentioned GitKraken and they both do the same job — I usually alternate between both apps occasionally. So I’ll say use what works best for you they are both great apps. Postico

是否曾经想过使用GUI而不是Git的命令行? 那么SourceTree是您最好的选择。 我已经提到过GitKraken,它们都做同样的工作-我通常偶尔在两个应用程序之间切换。 所以我会说使用最适合您的应用程序,它们都是出色的应用程序。 Postico

Postico is one client app for Postgres. It has a beautiful UI and it’s easily accessible. I prefer using this to other apps I’ve found or even using the Postgres command line.

Postico是Postgres的一个客户端应用程序。 它具有漂亮的用户界面,并且易于访问。 我更喜欢将其用于我发现的其他应用程序,甚至不使用Postgres命令行。


Hyper is one tool I love using. It is, in fact, my default terminal for coding. Hyper is easily customizable with a lot of plugins to integrate into it making it a great choice for me.

Hyper是我喜欢使用的一种工具。 实际上,这是我的默认编码终端。 Hyper很容易通过许多插件进行自定义,可以将其集成到其中,这使其成为我的绝佳选择。

书写工具 (Writing Tools)



Notion is a tool for almost everything you need. I’ve yet to come in contact with anyone with negative thoughts about this tool. It is super helpful. You can write, plan and collaborate with Notion.

概念是满足您几乎所有需求的工具。 我尚未与对此工具有负面想法的任何人联系。 超级有帮助。 您可以编写,计划和与Notion合作。

Dropbox Paper


Paper by Dropbox is a great tool for writing. I frequently use this in creating notes, writing a post, and a lot of other things. It supports markdown formatting.

Dropbox的Paper是书写的绝佳工具。 我经常在创建笔记,撰写帖子以及其他很多事情时使用它。 它支持降价格式化。

Bear App


I like variety, so pardon me If I have shared a lot of apps that perform similar tasks. Bear App is an app for crafting and writing anything. It can be used for writing articles, jotting down notes, and also as a todo list app.

我喜欢各种游戏,所以请原谅我是否共享了很多执行类似任务的应用程序。 Bear App是一款用于制作和编写任何东西的应用程序。 它可以用于撰写文章,记下笔记以及用作待办事项列表应用程序。



Caret is a markdown editor for Mac, Windows and Linux users. It enables you to write content in Markdown and also ships with quite a number of features that are really useful like dark mode which I really love.

Caret是Mac,Windows和Linux用户的降价编辑器。 它使您可以使用Markdown编写内容,还附带了许多非常有用的功能,例如我真正喜欢的暗模式。

部署中 (Deploying)



Netlify is a tool I love using for deploying my apps. It is a unified platform that automates your code to create high-performant, easily maintainable sites, and web apps.

Netlify是我喜欢用来部署应用程序的工具。 它是一个统一的平台,可自动执行代码以创建高性能,易于维护的网站和Web应用程序。

GitHub Pages


GitHub Pages is quite useful when you need to spin up a deployed version of your website for free. With a few steps of setup from your git repository, you have a deployed website. I use this a lot.

当您需要免费启动网站的已部署版本时, GitHub Pages非常有用。 通过从git存储库进行设置的几个步骤,您便拥有了已部署的网站。 我经常使用。



Zapier is an automation tool for automating virtually anything you can think of. I use it for automating tweets sent out when I publish a new article by creating a zap with my twitter account and my RSS feed.

Zapier是一种自动化工具,几乎可以将您想到的任何事物自动化。 当我通过使用Twitter帐户和RSS feed创建zap来发布新文章时,我使用它来自动发送发出的tweet。

杂 (Miscellaneous)



Rocket is a slack-style emoji for your Mac. It works just like the emoji finder in Slack. Enter a colon when you want to use an emoji, type its name, and hit enter again to insert. It’s much more convenient than using Mac’s built-in emoji keyboard.

Rocket是Mac上的休闲风格表情符号。 就像Slack中的表情符号查找器一样。 当您想使用表情符号时,请输入冒号,键入其名称,然后再次按Enter键以插入。 这比使用Mac内置的表情符号键盘要方便得多。



Numi is a calculator app for your Mac. This is not just a calculator, I must say, because its features are much more than that. It blew my mind when I discovered I could convert virtually anything with it, i.e convert dollars to naira, my local currency! ?

Numi是适用于Mac的计算器应用程序。 我必须说,这不仅仅是一个计算器,因为它的功能远不止于此。 当我发现我几乎可以用它进行任何转换时,即把美元转换为我的当地货币奈拉时,我大为震惊。 ?



Taskade is an application with a lot of features. I use this for todo lists, my weekly planner, and also for creating notes. Meanwhile, there are a whole lot of things that can be done with this app. No wonder it is tagged as an instant collaboration tool for Agile teams.

Taskade是具有许多功能的应用程序。 我将它用于待办事项列表,每周计划者以及创建笔记。 同时,使用此应用程序可以完成很多事情。 难怪它被标记为敏捷团队的即时协作工具。



RecordIt is an application for recording screencasts. I find this really helpful for when I need to create a quick demo or show how a particular thing works in gif format.

RecordIt是用于录制截屏视频的应用程序。 当我需要创建快速演示或以gif格式显示特定内容的工作方式时,这对我真的很有帮助。



Aware is a Mac application that helps you keep track of how long you’ve been actively using your computer. I use this keep track of the time I spend working or completing a particular task.

Aware是一个Mac应用程序,可帮助您跟踪活跃使用计算机已有多长时间。 我使用此记录来跟踪我花费在工作或完成特定任务上的时间。

结论 (Conclusion)

I hope you find all these tools listed useful and start using them to make your job a lot easier. The idea is to share with you tools I found helpful, and really I’d like it if you can also share with me tools you have found useful that are not listed here. Let’s all stay productive!

我希望您发现列出的所有这些工具都有用,并开始使用它们使您的工作更加轻松。 想法是与您分享我认为有用的工具,如果您也可以与我分享您发现有用的未在此处列出的工具,我真的很希望。 让我们所有人保持生产力!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-tools-i-use-speed-up-my-workflow-and-make-myself-more-productive-fb6f457e242e/

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